Lecture Notes

Week 1. Geo-centrism, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler’s Laws, the Kepler-Newton Law, & the Scientific Method

Week 2. Eclipse, Tides, Planet Densities, & the Solar System Formation

Week 3. Planets, Rings, the Moon, Escape Velocity, Atmospheres, & the Greenhouse Effect

Week 4. Newton’s 3 Laws & his Law of Gravitation, Gravity, Mass from Orbital Radius & Velocity, Dating Rocks, Comets, Asteroids, & Distances via Parallax

Week 5. Distances via Cepheid Variable stars, Discovering the Andromeda Galaxy, the Sun, & Fusion

Week 6. The Inverse Square Law, Fusion, Quantized Energy, Block Body Radiation, StellarTemperatures, & Stellar Luminosity

Week 7. Star lifetimes, Element Creation, Explosions, & Gamma Ray Bursts

Week 8. Pulsars, the Extra-Large Telescope, the Event Horizon Telescope, the Very Large Array, and Space Telescopes.

Week 9. The night sky, Galaxies, & Synchrotron Radiation

Week 10. Galaxy velocity of recession, galaxy distances, the Hubble-Lemaitre law, the Cosmologic Principle.

Week 11. a) Special and General Relativity and Black Holes

Week 11. b) Gravitational Waves, the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, & the Age of the Universe

Week 12. The Cosmologic Principle, the universe edge & center (?), the Big Bang, redshift, temperatures, timeline, the expanding universe, the future of the universe, proportions of matter, inflation, the 4 forces of nature, String Theory, & the Anthropic Principle.

Week 13. Women Astronomers; Intelligent Civilizations in the Universe.

Week 14. Are there extra-terrestrial civilizations on Earth?